Board of Directors
President Chris Higgins
1st Vice President Brian Mason
2nd Vice President Tom Hall
Club Secretary Michael Neace
Club Treasurer Tom Sorenson
Handicap Chairman Phil Coria
Saturday Tournament Chairman Todd Knight
Wednesday Tournament Chairman Craig Fulmer
Membership Chairman Mark Dawson
Past Presidents
Club Champs
Club Bylaws
Constitution and Bylaws
Adopted August 9, 1968
- Added: September 1968 21. Amended: March 1996
- Amended: November 1969 22. Amended: February 1998
- Amended: May 1971 23. Amended: May 1999
- Amended: May 1972 24. Amended: December 2000
- Amended: May 1973 25. Amended: December 2005
- Amended: August 1974 26. Amended: December 2006
- Amended: August 1976 27. Amended: December 2007
- Amended: May 1979 28. Amended: January 2009
- Amended: August 1979 29. Amended: February 2010
- Amended: May 1980 30. Amended: January 2011
- Amended: October 1982 31. Amended: December 2011
- Amended: June 1984 32. Amended: December 2012
- Amended: August 1985 33. Amended: February 2013
- Amended: August 1986 34. Amended: August 2020
- Amended: August 1987 35. Amended: July 2022
- Amended: August 1988
- Amended: September 1990
- Amended: June 1992
- Amended: July 1993
- Amended: September 1995
Article I Name
The name of the organization shall be San Juan Hills Men’s Golf Club.
Article II Purposes
First: To stimulate interest in golf at San Juan Hills Men’s Golf Club by bringing together a group of golfers desirous of forming a golfing organization.
Second: To promote and foster among the members a closer bond and fraternity for their joint and mutual benefit, and to promote and conserve the best interests and true spirit of the game of golf as embodied in its ancient and honorable traditions.
Third: To enforce uniformity in the rules of the game by creating a representative authority.
Fourth: To maintain a uniform system of handicapping as set forth in the regulations of the Southern California Golf Association (SCGA).
Fifth: To afford a convenient and authoritive body to govern tournaments and other golfing events held at San Juan Hills Golf Club.
Acticle III Membership
Section 1-a: Membership shall be, upon application, approved by the majority of the Membership Committee.
Section 1-b: “Honorary” Membership shall be, upon recommendation of member, approved by the majority of the Membership Committee.
Section 1-c: Complementary Membership(s) with all membership privileges shall be granted to the following: Course Owner(s), Managing Pro and Assistant Managing Pros.
Section 2: In the event any member of this organization shall commit any act which reflects discredit or disrepute thereon or shall refuse or neglect to comply with the rules or regulations adopted by the Board of Directors or the duly-appointed officers, such member shall be subject to suspension or explusion after ten (10) days written notice and the right to be heard, by 2/3 of the Board of Directors at any regular meeting or special meeting called for such purposes.
Section 3: A legal quorum at any meeting shall be a majority of members present in person or by proxy. Each Full Club member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote.
Section 4: Associate Members, a program started by the SCGA, are members who have choosen the Men’s Club to establish their GHIN and play in SCGA sactioned events only. They are non-voting members.
Article IV Dues
Section 1: Membership dues are for one (1) calender year from the date the SCGA has established your membership.
Section 2: New members will pay $159.00 to join the Men’s Club. This includes a one (1) time Initiation fee of $49.00, plus Membership dues of $110.00.
Section 3: Honorary Members’ dues and cost shall be bourne by the Membership.
Section 4: The renewal dues of $110.00 are due one (1) calendar year from the date the SCGA has established your membership.
Section 5: Failure to renew by your established renewal date will result in your membership being dropped from the Men’s Club and the SCGA rosters. In order to re-establish your membership, membership dues of $110.00 along with a $30.00 late fee will be imposed to reactivate your membership.
Section 6: The SCGA sends each Club Member three (3) renewal notifications starting 45 days from your renewal date IF you have a current email address included within your SCGA membership account. You must keep the Club Membership Chairman informed of any email changes so your account can be updated.
Acticle V Board of Directors
Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members in good standing, and they shall excercise all power of management not specifically excepted by these Bylaws.
Section 2: All Board meetings will be held monthly and will be open to all members in good standing. These meetings will be based on “Robert’s Rules of Order”.
Section 3-a: On or before October 15th, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of nine (9) members of the organization. Each member of the Board of Directors shall appoint one (1) member in good standing to this committee. Not later than October twenty-third (23), this committee shall submit to the Board and shall post upon the Club Bulletin Board a list of nominees for the term of office for the upcoming calender year (January 1st through December 31st). Names of other members in good standing may be nominated by petition signed up at least five (5) members and submitted to the Board not later than November tenth (10th). Not later than November seventeenth (17th), a list of all candidates shall be posted on the Club Bulletin Board.
Section 3-b: If more than one canidate is nominated for any office, a vote of the membership shall be taken to determine the winner(s). Voting shall be by numbered ballot and those names receiving the greatest number of votes cast by membership shall be declared to be elected. Ballots will be mailed to the members of the San Juan Hills Men’s Golf Club no later than December seventeeth (17th). A committee of three (3) judges (members in good standing, not candidates for election) shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, and will open and count the ballots to determine the winner(s). The Board may allow voting via electronic media.
Section 4: The Board of Directors shall meet at such times and places as they may select and a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
Section 5: In case of any vacancy through death, resignation, disqualification or other cause, the remaining Directors, even though less than a quorum, may elect a successor by majority vote to hold office for the unexpired term of the Director whose place shall be vacant, and until the election of his successor.
Section 6: In case the Board of Directors wishes to remove one of it’s members because of dereliction of duty, misuse of the Club data base, or any other offense(s) unbecoming of a member of the Board, the process described in Article 3, Section 2, of these Bylaws will be followed. Because said person may still remain as an active member of the Club, all efforts will be made by the Board of Directors to keep confidential any and all discussions and decisions rendered during deliberations and after the final vote.
Section 7: The Board of Directors will approve Team Play captain, South County Cup captain and 60+ League captain.
Article VI Officers and Committees
Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, four (4) Directors who servce as Saturday Tournament Chairman, Handicap Chairman, Membership Chairman and Wednesday Tournament Chairman. Their duties shall be such as their title would indicate or such as may be assigned to them respectively from time to time.
Section 2: The Board of Directors shall authorize and define the powers and duties of all committees. Members of all committees shall be approved by the President and he shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section 3: The following Chairman shall serve each year with such other chairman or committees as the President may deem advisable or necessary:
– Tournament Chairman to arrange, schedule and conduct all intra-club and inter-club competitions.
– Handicap Chairman to establish a fair and proper system of handicaps in accordance with procedures laid down by the Southern California Golf Assocition. (SCGA)
– The Tournament Chairman and the Handicap Chairman shall cooperate with the course management to over see that the course is in playing condition and is managed to ensure equitable handicap control.
– The Membership Chairman to process all applications of prospective members: to acquaint them with the pertinent Club Bylaws regarding initiation and annual dues and Tournament Regulations.
– The Rules Chairman shall be an authority on the Rules and Decisions by having attended Rules Workshops conducted by theSCGA or other ruling bodies. He shall provide assistance to the other chairmen as necessary or wherein the Rules and decisions may be a factor. He shall provide education to the membership through articles in a newsletter or electronic media, or as directed by the Board and/or President. In the absence of direct knowledge of a rule or decision, the Rules Chairman shall have the authority and responsibilty to seek assistance from the SCGA or other ruling bodies.
– Any disputes arising during a tournament shall be decided by no less than three (3) members of the Rules Committee. The decision shall be finalized either by electronic discussuin or at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.
Section 4: The members of the Board of Directors shall act as the Membership Committee and Rules Committee.
Article VII Amendments to Bylaws
Section 1: These Bylaws may be modified, altered or amended at any regular meeting, at any adjouned session thereof, or at any special meeting of the Board of Directors called for that purpose or via electronic communication, by majority vote of the entire membership of the Board of Directors if present in person and agreed to in writing.
Article VIII Tournament Eligibility
Section 1: All Male Regular Members of San Juan Hills Men’s Golf Club in good standing* with fully established SCGA handicaps may compete in all Club Tournaments
except the Member/Member, the Oktoberfest and the Club Championship. ( Note-Associate Members are not eligible for SJHMGC tournaments.)
Section 2: To qualify for the Member/Member tournament, a member must:
– have been an approved Regular Men’s Club member for 6 months and….
– have played in three (3) regularly scheduled SJHMGC golf tournaments within their first (6) months of membership
Section 3: To play in the gross or net division of the Club Championship, a member must:
– have been an approved Regular Men’s Club member for six (6) months and….
– have played in three (3) regularly scheduled SJHMGC golf tournaments within their first six (6) months of membership
Section 4: To qualify for the Oktoberfest tournament, a member must:
– have been an approved Regular Men’s Club member for six (6) months and….
– have played in three (3) regularly schedules SJHMGC golf tournaments within their first six (6) months of membership
Members who meet the above qualifications, will play to their properly established, or properly adjusted, SCGA low index, which requires a minimum of twenty (20) scores.
As with the minimum requirements set foth herein for the Club Championship and/or Member/Member tournament and/or the Oktoberfest tournament, the Board of Directors, acting as the Tournament Committee, is hereby given the authority to require similar or the same requirements of any and all other tournaments.
*Note: In Good Standing for these purposes means current on their annual dues and fees. Also, due to possible errors inherent in computer systems responsible for tracking the proper number of rounds, etc., it is suggested by the Board Members that players exceed the stated requirements to avoid confusion and possible technical ineligibility.
Article IX Junior Golf
Section 1: The San Juan Hills Golf Club will be supportive of the Junior Golf section of the USGA and SCGA. Junior Golfers are typically defined as those under the age of eighteen (18). The pupose is to perpetuate the fellowship of the existing organization(s) by appealing to younger generations who can become long term members of the club.
Section 2: Support of Junior Golf will include but is not limited to: Charitable donations of new and used equipment or balls, donations of scrip or chits from tournament play may be used for the same charitable purposes, establishment of tournaments or play in accordance with the ability of San Juan Hills Golf Club to provide the same, or any and all other activities which may have the desired effect or accomplish the purpose outlined in Section 1.
*Note: Junior Golf is hereby meant to include the First Tee program and similar.
Article X Use of Member Information
Section 1: The use of contact information of any one member or any combination of members is prohibited, in acordance with the California Office of Privacy Protection, which promotes “fair information practices”, and the California State Constitution, Article 1, Section 1, which gives each citizen an “inalienable right to pursue and obtain privacy”.
Section 2: Any member or combination of members, acting on their own or as a business entity, is prohibited from obtaining or attempting to obtain member contact information, either in written form or via electronic media. California Civil Code provides enforcement of such acts, and such acts may be termed misdemeanors, punishable by jail terms up to one (1) year and/or related fines.
Section 3: This article of the Bylaws is further expanded in a broder sense to include those issues or violations not mentioned herein, which may become possible due to the rapid advancement of media and/or marketing techniques not currently in use. Any broader sense of privacy related issue(s) will accordingly be handles by a quorum of Board members using standard parliamentary procedure.
Scrip Policy
Tournament Winnings/SCRIP
During Wednesday and Saturday tournaments there are pay outs for each of the designated flights, along with gross and net skins and closest to the pin. After the tournament scoring has been tallied, each Flight winner and closest to the pin winners will receive SCRIP. The SCRIP won will be under the winner’s name in the SCRIP book in the San Juan Hills Golf Club Pro Shop. This SCRIP can be used for green fees or merchandise in the Pro Shop.
Winnings from gross and net skins will be distributed directly to the player. Pay outs are usually available 7 to 10 days after the tounament has been completed and results have been posted.
If Gross and Net skins winnings are not collected within 90 days, the winnings will be turned into SCRIP in the Pro shop. See the Wednesday or Saturday Tournment Director, or Club Treasurer about collecting Skins pay outs.
Former and Decreased Member SCRIP Policy
As agreed by the Board of Directors, any member that does not renew their membership for the upcoming calender year, will have (1) year to use any remaining SCRIP the member may have on the books at the San Juan Hills Golf Course Pro Shop.
If the SCRIP funds are not used by the former member within (1) calender year after non renewal, in effect by 12/31 of the following year, any unused balance will be returned to the San Juan Hills Men’s Club to be used as designated by the Board of Directors.
As Agreed by the Board of Directors, in the event of the death of a current member of the San Juan Hills Men’s Club, who has a balance on the SCRIP book in the Pro Shop, the Board will make every effort to contact the family of the deceased member and advise them of the SCRIP balance. The family will be given the choice of having a check issued to them or asked if they would like donate the funds back to the Men’s Club. If the funds are donated, they will be used as designated by the Board of Directors.
The San Juan Hills Men’s Club will only issue a check of the remaining SCRIP balance at the death of a current and active member.